Individualized Anger Management for Doctors

These are NOT online classes or groups, but one-on-one, physician-to-physician coaching for anger.

JCAHO Sentinel Alert #40

The Joint Commission is an independent, not-for-profit organization that accredits and certifies health care organizations and programs like hospitals. In 2008 they issued a statement regarding inappropriate behavior and its affect on health care entitled - Behaviors that undermine a culture of safety.The problem of disruptive physicians, disruptive nurses and other medical staff is gaining attention as a factor in the safety of patients. Our program is listed as a resource by the Federation of State Medical Boards in their directory of remedial education programs for doctors.

“Intimidating and disruptive behaviors can foster medical errors, contribute to poor patient satisfaction and to preventable adverse outcomes, increase the cost of care, and cause qualified clinicians, administrators and managers to seek new positions in more professional environments. Safety and quality of patient care is dependent on teamwork, communication, and a collaborative work environment. To assure quality and to promote a culture of safety, health care organizations must address the problem of behaviors that threaten the performance of the health care team. ”Joint Commission Sentinel Report #40